Have you ever heard yourself saying something like this in one of your projects? I know that it happened to me a lot of times!
When I was given a task at my job, I would usually go and search for an available open-source package on packagist.org - and if nothing that suited the needs was available, I would go and build the solution for the specific problem I was given.
A lot of times, usually a couple of weeks or months later, I had to solve a similar problem and found myself copying parts of the code that I've written earlier.
Maybe I had to tweek the code a little bit, but at the end I was duplicating my existing solution.
That's when I began to think of my code as packages. That's also where most of my open source packages come from. It's stuff that I built and use in real-world applications in my day job.
And it's not about open source!
If you do not care about open source, or simply are required to
close the source for whatever reason, building packages will still benefit you, your team-members and
your employer.
There are so many benefits when you start encapsulating your code into smaller, more manageable chunks of packages:
And many more.
PHP Package Development will teach you everything that I've learned about good package design, along with tips on how to get started with open sourcing your package, how to make use of automated tests and much more.
I really think this is a course that every PHP developer should be exited about - I am!
I am Marcel, managing partner and developer at Beyond Code and guest instructor at Laracasts. I'm running Beyond Code – a company who's building tools for developers like you. We provide Tinkerwell, Invoker, HELO and others.
Over the last 7 years I have created more than 100 open source packages for myself, my company, or my own Chatbot framework.
The packages have been downloaded more than 398.3 million times, found it's way into the Laravel Core and are being used in countless of applications all over the world.
Whether you are going to open source your package, or rather keep it to yourself, this video course will show you how to make use of automated continuous integration systems like TravisCI for automated testing or StyleCI for automated code-formatting.
As you may know, I am a big Laravel enthusiast and most of my open source efforts are centered around the Laravel framework.
That's why this course will not only cover framework-independent packages, but also add in-depth tutorials on how to create great packages, tailored specifically for Laravel. Making use of custom routes, service providers, views, commands and much more.
Package Benefits
Every package starts with...
Autoload Configuration
Your first test
PHPUnit Configuration
Test Driven Jokes
Using your package locally
Code Coverage
Git git hooray
Publishing on Packagist
Semantic Versioning
Travis CI
Style CI
Choose a License
README files
Git Attributes
Issue Templates
Package Generators
Using a Joke API
Private packages
Adding Laravel support
Create a custom command
Writing tests for our Laravel command
Adding routes
Adding Views
Testing view data
Config files
Adding Database Migrations
Testing Database Migrations
The package idea
Package Development Pt. 1
Package Development Pt. 2
Refactoring the package
📦 I'm finally going to learn how to create a package. 😀
— Freek Van der Herten (@freekmurze) February 19, 2019
Just bought this course : https://t.co/8AxOnMWgYK
Made by @marcelpociot so it must be good 👍
🔥 I wish I had this course years ago! And now you can learn it all from an experienced developer. I highly recommend @marcelpociot's video course: https://t.co/G3IY0ZOrqC
— Nuno Maduro 💡 (@enunomaduro) February 19, 2019
If you've never made a php package but you want to, if you've made php packages but you want to get it just right 👌 and understand all the caveats, get @marcelpociot's https://t.co/rHiX516IbC it checks all the boxes. Do. It. Now.
— Sidrit Trandafili (@strandafili) February 20, 2019
guys if you still didn't buy @marcelpociot new course ”PHP Package Development”, drop everything and go buy it.
— Zaher Ghaibeh ⌨️ (@zaherg) February 20, 2019
Also, he supports "Purchasing Power Parity" and wants his course to be affordable for everyone.https://t.co/HMNQBG7gAu
🔥 If you're even remotely thinking about creating a #PHP package, this awesome video course @marcelpociot put together is a must have for sure! 🔥https://t.co/QBeGwSO93F
— Michaël De Boey (@MichaelDeBoey93) February 20, 2019
Well @marcelpociot course https://t.co/3V85RTKDdL is an inspiration and clears the confusion on PHP / @laravelphp package development 👍 Thank You 👏👏👏
— simon davies ™ (@simon_davies) February 19, 2019
I highly recommend this video course from @marcelpociot for all PHP developers interested in package development.https://t.co/E9AVsJnXTB
— Muhammad Zeshan (@zeshan) February 19, 2019
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Once you purchase the course, you will get access to a dedicated course platform, where you have a login and can keep track of your progress throughout the course. You can either stream or download the videos.
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All our prices are exclusive of VAT and depending on the country you live in, additional VAT might be added to the price.
Can I purchase a team license for all my developers at a reduced price?
Yeah sure! Please get in touch with me via Email and we can work something out for you and your team.
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Just get in touch with me via Email if you want to know anything else.